Working principle of electric thermostatic mixing valve

 Now electric  thermostatic mixing valve  more and more into our lives, but there are few customers know that some of the working principle of electric temperature control valve, today Smlghvac brings you, electronic thermostatic mixing valve working principle of the introduction.

Thermostatic mixing valve, referred to as temperature control valve is a typical application of flow control valve in the field of temperature control, the basic principle: by controlling the heat exchanger, air conditioning units or other heat and cold equipment, primary heat (cold) medium inlet flow to control the outlet temperature of the equipment. When the load produces changes, adjust the flow rate by changing the valve opening degree to eliminate the impact caused by load fluctuations, so that the temperature returns to the set value.

Electronic thermostatic mixing valve is a typical application in the field of temperature control such as HVAC. The controller has PI and PID adjustment function, precise control, multi-loop control, and various functions to realize fluid flow, pressure, differential pressure, temperature, humidity, enthalpy and air quality control. The actuators are electro-mechanical and electro-hydraulic with manual and automatic adjustment, sensitive adjustment, high shut-off force and adjustable flow characteristics (linear equal percentage). Electro-hydraulic actuator with automatic power failure reset protection function, can receive 0-10V or 4-20MA signal and with valve position feedback function. The valve body is a flow control valve, suitable for circulating pipeline chilled water, low pressure hot water, domestic hot water, high pressure hot water, seawater, thermal oil, and steam regulation of good linearity, adjustable ratio, tight sealing, high temperature resistance, anti-cavitation.

With small volume, light weight, simple connection, large flow rate, high regulation accuracy, widely used in the automatic control system of industrial processes in electric power, petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, environmental protection, light industry, teaching and research equipment and other industries.


The temperature control in the user's room is achieved through the radiator thermostatic control valve. The radiator thermostatic control valve is composed of a thermostatic controller, a flow regulating valve and a pair of connections, of which the core component of the thermostatic controller is the sensor unit, namely the temperature package. The temperature package can sense changes in ambient temperature and produce volume changes, driving the regulating valve spool to produce displacement, which in turn adjusts the amount of water in the radiator to change the amount of heat dissipated by the radiator.

Thermostatic valve set temperature can be artificially adjusted, thermostatic valve will automatically control and adjust the water volume of radiators according to the set requirements, so as to achieve the purpose of controlling the indoor temperature. Thermostatic valves are generally installed in front of the radiator, through the automatic adjustment of flow, to achieve the room temperature required by residents. Temperature control valve has two-way temperature control valve and three-way temperature control valve.

Three-way temperature control valve is mainly used for single-pipe system with cross-pipe, its shunt coefficient can be changed in the range of 0 to 100%, the flow adjustment margin is large, but the price is more expensive, the structure is more complex. Two-way temperature control valves are used for two-pipe systems and single-pipe systems. Two-way temperature control valve for two-pipe system resistance is larger; for single-pipe system resistance is smaller. Temperature control valve temperature-sensing package and the valve body is generally assembled into a whole, the temperature-sensing package itself that is the site of the indoor temperature sensor. If needed, a remote temperature sensor can be used; remote temperature sensor is placed in the room requiring temperature control, the valve body is placed on a part of the heating system.



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